November is National Healthy Skin Month, and at Feet First Foot Care Specialists, we know the skin on your feet has some special needs, and taking good care of it is very important. Skin disorders on your feet can make it challenging to get around. They can also signal trouble in other parts of your body. But often people don’t think to look at their feet! So, the first tip is to get in the habit of inspecting your feet regularly, and if you notice anything abnormal or concerning about the skin on your feet, contact our Cromwell office by calling: (860) 632-5499 promptly. That way, our podiatrist, Dr. Adam Mucinskas, can take a look and determine if a skin issue is developing that needs treatment.

Here are six other ways to take good care of the skin on your feet:

  1. Wear shoes that fit correctly. If your shoes are too small or stretched and worn out, you have an increased chance of irritating your skin and causing blisters to form.

  2. Wash your feet every day. It will go a long way toward lowering your risk of infections.

  3. Keep skin dry. Feet stuck in wet socks and shoes are the perfect breeding ground for fungal infections like athlete’s foot. Consider using a foot powder or antiperspirant on the soles of your feet if you tend to sweat profusely. Keep an extra pair of socks with you and change whenever you notice your feet feel damp.

  4. Don’t ignore toe defects. Patients with bunions, hammertoes, and other abnormal toe structures are more likely to develop corns and calluses on the skin of their feet. These are progressive conditions. Get them treated in their earliest stages to prevent skin and other foot problems.

  5. Keep feet covered. It is particularly important in public places with lots of foot traffic like community pools, gyms, and nail salons. Don’t share items that touch another person’s feet. It will significantly lessen your chances of getting warts and other foot infections.

  6. Moisturize your skin after you shower. It will help lock moisture into the skin on your feet and prevent peeling and skin cracks.

For more information on foot skin conditions and how to prevent them, contact us, Feet First Foot Care Specialists (860) 632-5499.

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We encourage you to contact us whenever you have an interest or concern about our services.

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162 West St Ste K Cromwell, CT 06416