You might not think your kids listen to you as often as they should. But when it comes to you setting an example for them, you might be rubbing off on them more than you think. Children frequently learn by watching and then imitating their parents. We have a few examples of fun, quick exercises you can perform with your kids to help build good foot health. We recommend setting steady times to practice them, such as in the morning or before doing anything involving a lot of running or physical moving.

The following repetitions have more of a "playful" atmosphere than many other exercises, making them a good starting point for young children. More direct stretches and exercises could be added, and we would be happy to help you determine which are best for you and your family.

Foot Alphabet

This is a great exercise for younger kids still learning their letters, but don't underestimate how helpful it is for your ankle stability!

Sit in a chair or on the floor with your leg lifted straight out in front of you. Now, pretend your big toe is a pen and write out the letters of the alphabet twice.

You can try uppercase or lowercase and mix it up whenever you wish. Either set will give you a great workout and put you through a great range of motion exercises.

Pick-Up Games

These activities work your plantar flexors, which are the muscles at the top of your foot and toes.

Sit with feet flat on the ground and place 20 marbles in front. (Do not set them so far out that you must strain your leg to reach them. That’s not what this exercise is about.)

If you don't have a complete set of 20 marbles, work with as many as you have and place them back on the floor when you're out. Using one foot, pick up each marble one at a time and drop it into a bowl beside you. Once you've finished 20 with one foot, switch to the other! We're aiming for 20 repetitions.

A small towel will also work if you don't have marbles or want to try something different. Sit just like you would with the marble game, with the towel on the floor in front of you. Grab the center of the towel with your toes and curl it inward, as if “scrunching” up the towel beneath your foot. Relax and repeat five times with each foot.

The best thing you can do for your feet is consult with our board-certified podiatrist, Dr. Adam Mucinskas if you are experiencing foot or ankle problems. Make an appointment by calling (860-) 632-5499 or visit our website.

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We encourage you to contact us whenever you have an interest or concern about our services.

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162 West St Ste K Cromwell, CT 06416