Do your feet feel like they are burning up but the rest of your body is cool?  While it may seem like an anomaly there are several reasonable answers to this question about burning feet. While some conditions are more transparent than others Feet First Foot Care Specialists, LLC  practice in a host of clinical mysteries that you may not be able to solve on your own. 

Here are some cases:

  • Hypertension can be a culprit if you have questionable blood circulation because it effects the pulse rate in your feet.
  • B12 is an important vitamin that works in conjunction with your nervous system. If you are deficient in this area it can contribute to a burning feeling in your feet.
  • Toxins and drugs are never good for you but certain exposure can damage peripheral nerves and cause your feet to swell and subsequently feel like they are burning.
  • If you have suffered any nerve damage in your legs or feet it is likely that the burning sensation is a result of nerve malfunction.
  • Fatigue and over exertion can cause temporary burning in your feet.
  • Excessive alcohol intake is hard to measure but should be considered a relevant factor.

Diabetes, which we did not mention earlier, is the most dangerous since it threatens so many other parts of one’s health. If you suffer from diabetes and your feet are burning, then you should contact a podiatrist or doctor immediately.

Here are some remedies:

  • Certain herbs can help such as Hawthorne or Thyme. They both increase blood flow.
  • If you buy shoe insoles that protect your feet from rubbing inside your shoe it relieves friction which reduces heat.
  • Vitamin B3 also known as niacin strengthens the nerves and prevents them from breaking down.
  • A cold foot bath will temporarily relieve pain simply by its temperature alone.
  • Whether you are walking in the heat of the summer or the cool days of winter and your feet start to burn remove your shoes in a safe place and let them breathe.
  • Blood circulation is compromised when burning occurs therefore, getting those limbs moving is vital. Exercise can have long term effects if you remain consistent with your routine.

While most of these are temporary relief solutions to burning feet, you can seek help from Adam Mucinskas, DPM in our Cromwell CT office to get more permanent treatment. Call us at 860-632-5499 for an appointment today. Let us cool your feet down for the summer!


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162 West St Ste K Cromwell, CT 06416