Hammertoes are typically inherited but can get progressively worse from ill-fitting shoes or footwear without proper arch support. With this condition, the severe bend in the middle of your toes can resemble a hammer or claw, leading to pain and stiffness. It’s essential to get treated for hammertoes as soon as you notice any symptoms when your toes are more flexible and easier to treat.

Treating Your Hammertoe

When hammertoes are left untreated, surgery may be needed to straighten your toes. This procedure is typically painful and complex. Prevent this by calling your podiatrist for help ASAP. Our top treatments for hammertoes are:

Wearing proper footwear – Always wear shoes with a roomy toe box area to help relieve the pressure contributing to the bending. This will also decrease pressure on painful corns that often grow on hammertoes.

Anti-inflammatory medications – Oral or topical anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen or Tylenol and steroid injection treatments can reduce pain, swelling, and rigidity.

Physical therapy and strengthening exercises – Increase strength and flexibility of the toes and tendons with various helpful exercises.

Custom orthotics or inserts – Specially designed orthotic shoe inserts can be used to help control the imbalance between the muscle and tendon, contributing to the tendency of the toe to bend abnormally. If you have other foot or ankle conditions, orthotics can help treat and relieve your pain.

Toe cushions – Moleskin pads for blisters, corns, and calluses are used to eliminate the source of rubbing and decrease skin problems.

Establishing a routine visit with our board-certified podiatrist Dr. Adam Mucinskas at Feet First Foot Care is easy. Call our Cromwell, Connecticut office at (860)-632-5499 or schedule online via our website, and our scheduling coordinator will contact you to confirm.

Questions or Comments?

We encourage you to contact us whenever you have an interest or concern about our services.

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162 West St Ste K Cromwell, CT 06416