As more recreational activities open for our patients in Middlesex County, we at Feet First Foot Care Specialists want to remind patients summer is prime time for fungal foot infections. Lurking on the pool deck, in the nail salon and at seaside restrooms and changing areas are fungi, bacteria, and viruses just waiting for unsuspecting bare feet to walk by. These germs passed on by direct contact, lead to athlete’s foot, fungal toenails, and warts.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to protect yourself and your family from foot fungus:

  • Keep feet covered at all times in public places. Wear flip-flops or shower shoes at the pool, beach, dance studio, and locker room.
  • Wash your feet daily with soap and warm water. Dry them completely before putting on socks or shoes.
  • Don’t share shoes, socks, towels, nail clippers, emery boards, or any item that may have touched another person’s feet.
  • If you have a child that has contracted a foot infection, do not let them share a bed with another sibling. Foot infections are contagious. Be sure to thoroughly clean and disinfect the tub or shower after they bathe.
  • Do not allow feet to sit in damp socks and shoes. It is an ideal breeding ground for fungi and bacteria. Change socks whenever feet feel sweaty. Use an antifungal or talcum powder each day to help feet stay dry.

Be sure to check your feet daily (at bath or shower time is ideal). If you notice discoloration or thickening toenails; skin that’s dry, itchy and red; small raised patches on the skin or any other unusual changes or abnormalities, contact our Cromwell office by calling (860) 632-5499. Our podiatrist, Dr. Adam Mucinskas, will examine your feet and determine if you have contracted an infection and decide the best course for the appropriate treatment.

Questions or Comments?

We encourage you to contact us whenever you have an interest or concern about our services.

Call Today (860) 632-5499

162 West St Ste K Cromwell, CT 06416