Achilles tendonitis can bring pain and discomfort. Our podiatrist, Adam Mucinskas, D.P.M., can help to treat this condition at Feet First Foot Care Specialists, LLC, located in Cromwell, CT, where we can be reached at (860) 632-5499. Our Patient Education section also has helpful information about foot and ankle conditions.

Achilles tendonitis can bring severe pain. This happens since the Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the body. This condition produces severe pain since the affected tendon is located behind the heel. If the tendon happens to tear, surgery will likely be required. If it ruptures, a pop sound will accompany it, followed by sharp pain in the back of the ankle. This will likely affect mobility. Although this condition more often happens to athletes because of the high intensity activities that they participate in and the stress it causes on their Achilles tendon, it can also occur to others for any number of activities.

Activities that usually strain the tendon can produce this condition. Inflammation initially occurs as the tendon becomes stressed. The following symptoms can also accompany this condition:

  • Sharp pain in the calf.
  • Inflammation in the heel.
  • An inability to put weight on the toes.


Methods of treatment include anti-inflammatories, exercising by stretching the calf and ice therapy to decrease inflammation. Cortisone, an anti-inflammatory also known as a steroid, can help; although, it is not prescribed often since it can unfortunately cause the tendon to rupture. Orthotics and cushioned shoes are also used to decrease irritation and strain on the tendon. Heel lifts are used to move the heel away from the back of the shoe to prevent it from rubbing against it. For severe pain, a walking boot may be used for a short time until physical therapy starts. It should, however, not be used for a long period of time as it can weaken the calf muscle.

Achilles tendonitis can produce significant pain in a variety of individuals. To avoid dealing with long recovery times, timely treatment is required. So, contact us today for treatment and get back to your activities sooner rather than later!


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162 West St Ste K Cromwell, CT 06416