Feet are so cool! Obviously, we believe that here at Feet First Foot Care Specialists. We talk about feet nonstop! Mostly though, we talk to our patients about how to prevent and treat the foot woes that they are currently dealing with. Today, we thought we’d share some lesser-discussed foot facts with you. Here are four fun things about feet that you might not have known:

  1. Each of your feet has over 250,000 sweat glands that produce sweat! Collectively, that means our feet can produce up to a half of a pint of sweat each day. That might seem gross to you, but it’s fascinating to us! It’s also a great reason to bring a pair of socks to change into in the middle of the day. Just think of that next time you’re thinking about walking barefoot on a gym locker-room floor!
  2. Standing for an hour can actually make your feet feel more tired than if you were walking for the same amount of time! This is because standing uses just a few muscles, which means that the muscles being used are being used in an extra concentrated manner. They are working hard to compensate and balance your weight. This can be exacerbated by improper footwear or any pre-existing foot condition.
  3. Everyone suffers from foot issues! Up to 5% of Americans have developed corns, calluses, fungal infections, or ingrown toenails. These are all issues that your podiatrist is trained and equipped to help you handle if you’re dealing with any of them.
  4. Some people are born with flat feet. We know that our feet sometimes lose arches over time as we age or if we put on too many pounds, but some people are naturally born without that arch. If you notice this issue in your child, it can often be corrected using custom orthotics.

Like I said, we love feet! If you have any foot issues you need to talk about, Dr. Adam Mucinskas here at Feet First Foot Care Specialists is here to help. Please give us a call today to schedule an appointment at our conveniently located office in the Cromwell, Connecticut area: (860) 632-5499.

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162 West St Ste K Cromwell, CT 06416