Your foot is entirely unique to you, so solutions for any pain you’re experiencing should be unique too. That is why here at Feet First Foot Care Specialists, LLC, we offer orthotics that are custom-designed for only your feet. Orthotic devices comfort and support your feet and can help to alleviate a myriad of common foot issues.

Why should I choose orthotics?

Orthotics are custom-made to fit only your foot. They are designed to alleviate your diagnosed condition. That’s what makes them different from shoe inserts you could buy at a drug store. Those inserts might provide temporary relief, but they can’t cure chronic foot issues or biomechanical foot problems. Custom orthotics are also more durable than over-the-counter inserts because they’re made of top-quality materials. They should last years with proper care! Orthotics should be kept in good shape by regularly washing them with lukewarm water and mild soap. Always dry them thoroughly afterward.

What can orthotics help with?

Dr. Adam Mucinskas routinely prescribes orthotics to help patients with foot pain, including those with:

How do they custom-make orthotics?

The first step to addressing foot pain is to visit a foot specialist. The foot doctor will examine your feet, ask you your history, check your gait – the way you walk – and could possibly take x-rays or complete additional diagnostic techniques. Once your podiatrist has found the root of your foot issue, they might recommend orthotic devices. Using innovative technology, your foot is then scanned to get a computerized foot analysis. The analysis ensures that the orthotic device fits your foot and gait perfectly and will address your unique foot condition. Sometimes a mold from a plaster cast will be made to ensure a perfect fit.

Have you been suffering from foot or ankle pain? It might be time to give us a call. Our podiatrist here at Feet First Foot Care Specialists, LLC, Dr. Adam Mucinskas, can help to diagnose and treat any foot or ankle issue you might be experiencing. Our conveniently-located office serves the Cromwell, Connecticut area. Please give us a call today to schedule an appointment at (860) 632-5499.

Questions or Comments?

We encourage you to contact us whenever you have an interest or concern about our services.

Call Today (860) 632-5499

162 West St Ste K Cromwell, CT 06416