It starts as a mild irritation and escalates to an annoying sensation, but by the end of the day, itchy feet can drive you absolutely insane! Here at Feet First Foot Care Specialists, we know that itchy feet can actually be a symptom of a number of podiatric disorders. It could simply be dry skin (which in the medical community we call Xerosis) and could easily be remedied with a regular application of moisturizer throughout the day. If that’s not it though, it’s definitely time to schedule an appointment with your podiatrist to get to the bottom of that itch!

What’s causing itchy feet?

  • Athlete’s foot – this fungal infection usually begins between the toes but can creep to cover your whole foot. It’s characterized by an itching and burning sensation but can also lead to blisters. To prevent contracting it, avoid being barefoot in public places such as pools or gym locker rooms. Your foot doctor might prescribe a fungal cream or – for aggressive cases – an oral medication.
  • Allergic dermatitis – allergic reactions can cause your whole body to itch! Cosmetics, perfumes, personal hygiene products, adhesive materials, metals, fabrics, latex, foods, rubber, plants – practically anything can cause an itchy allergic reaction! Your skin might also experience a burning sensation and could form a rash or become flaky. Your doctor might prescribe antibiotic ointments or topical steroids and can recommend hypoallergenic skin products to avoid future breakouts.
  • Irritant dermatitis – this comes with similar presentation and treatments as allergic dermatitis, only this is not caused by an allergen. Prolonged contact with an alkaline or acidic substance is the culprit in irritant dermatitis. Isolating the source and avoiding further exposure is necessary for both types of dermatitis.
  • Psoriasis – psoriasis presents as skin irregularities but is actually an immune system disorder. Psoriasis is a chronic disease that causes new skin cells to emerge to the surface too quickly. It causes thick, flaky skin patches that become itchy and inflamed. These patches are often red, white, or grey. Topical creams and anti-inflammatory medications are often prescribed to help alleviate symptoms of psoriasis.

You’ll see that the same itchy symptoms can indicate a number of medical conditions, each coming with specific diagnosis and treatment. Here at Feet First Foot Care Specialists, Dr. Adam Mucinskas can help you determine what is causing your itchy feet and assist with relief. We feature innovative treatments and state-of-the-art technologies at our conveniently located office in the Cromwell, Connecticut area. Please give us a call today to schedule an appointment at (860) 632-5499.

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162 West St Ste K Cromwell, CT 06416