There are so many types of foot and ankle conditions that can plague anyone, but, for most people, it’s difficult to really know about something before it directly or indirectly impacts their own lives. For those who have never experienced foot fungus in their lifetime, consider yourselves lucky! Foot fungus is one of those conditions that can be minor and hard to notice for a long time, especially because it doesn’t cause any discomfort until it’s left untreated and significantly worsens. Foot fungus can appear anywhere on your feet, most commonly on and around our toes. It can cause a subtle odor that can be noticeable to everyone but you! When it’s left to worsen, foot fungus can often spread to the toenails. This is where foot fungus then becomes toenail fungus.

In most scenarios, toenail fungus begins as a small area of discoloration on the toenail. This tiny spot can develop into something much more noticeable, however! As toenail fungus worsens, the affected toenail can become brittle, deformed, cause discomfort, and potentially become infected. When it comes to toenail fungus, a do-it-yourself method isn’t advised. If not carefully treated, toenail fungus can easily spread to other toenails or even other areas of your feet, causing discomfort and odor. What are the most important warning signs to look out for when it comes to toenail fungus?

  • Discolored toenails
  • A lifting nailbed
  • Deformity of the toenail
  • An unusual odor coming from the toes
  • Shoes with a worsening smell to them

Thankfully, there are several ways to treat toenail fungus. At Feet First Foot Care Specialists, Dr. Adam Mucinskas helps to treat toenail fungus in his patients. If you notice that your toes might be exhibiting some of these warning signs listed above, call us today at (860) 632-5499 to schedule your next appointment at our location in Cromwell, Connecticut.

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162 West St Ste K Cromwell, CT 06416