At Feet First Foot Care Specialists, we hope that you are planning to get away at some point this summer. Wherever your summer vacation destination is, there are some items you should take with you to ensure the health and safety of your feet. Below are our suggestions for what to pack:

  1. Comfortable walking shoes—even if your plan is to lie out on the beach all day, you’ll need to get to and from your vacation destination. Travel days tend to be tough on the feet as you rush to catch flights or haul luggage in and out of the car. Walking shoes that have good arch support and that you’ve worn many times already will also be helpful for sightseeing and shopping days.
  2. Moleskin—sweating creates friction and can increase the risk of developing blisters. A small piece of self-adhesive moleskin applied to a sore spot can stop a blister before it starts, and allow you to continue enjoying your vacation in comfort.
  3. Flip-flops—although not recommended for all-day use on your vacation, a pair of flip-flops or shower shoes are the best way to protect your feet from athlete’s foot and other fungal infections at the pool or in ocean or lakeside changing areas and restrooms.
  4. Orthotics—if our podiatrist Dr. Adam Mucinskas has prescribed a custom orthotic to correct a foot problem, don’t take a holiday from wearing it while you’re away. Leaving your orthotic at home may result in a painful vacation for your feet.
  5. Water bottle—excessive amounts of walking and warm, humid weather can lead to edema or swelling of the feet and ankles. Swelling can be very uncomfortable and also makes your shoes tighter, which means a greater likelihood of blisters. Drinking lots of water is one of the easiest ways to eliminate excess fluids from your body and it’s good for you too!

If despite all your best efforts you return from vacation with foot or ankle pain, a rash or other suspicious symptom, contact our Cromwell office for an appointment by calling (860) 632-5499.

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We encourage you to contact us whenever you have an interest or concern about our services.

Call Today (860) 632-5499

162 West St Ste K Cromwell, CT 06416