If you have pain in your feet and ankles, there’s a good chance it is affecting more than just your feet and ankles. Often when our feet hurt, we put some ice on it, take a quick break, and then get right back to what we were doing. We even just ignore the pain and hope it will subside on its own. Unfortunately, this can have lasting consequences on not just your feet and ankles, but also your hips, back, neck, and even your head. Here are some foot and ankle issues that can affect your whole body and vice-versa:


  • Incorrect gait – The way you walk is called your gait, and your walking pattern affects your whole body. If you have a limp or are distributing your weight unevenly, the pain can quietly travel up to your knees and eventually your back. An incorrect gait can also up the risk of rolling or twisting your ankle. Get your gait assessed by your podiatrist. A fix could be as simple as slipping a custom orthotic into your shoes.
  • Pinched nerve – A compressed nerve in your back can cause pain in many different parts of your body, sometimes even evading the area where the nerve is pinched! If you notice shooting pain or tingling randomly occurring in your feet and/or your back, get it assessed as soon as you can.
  • Foot drop – If you are physically unable to lift your foot up to walk, this could be an ankle or back issue. If you are also experiencing pain radiating from your calf to the top of your big toe, it is most likely something going on in your back.
  • Inability to walk on tip-toes – Tip-toeing is something you learn to do at such a young age that you might not realize how many parts of your body work together to make it happen. Your leg, ankle, and feet need the strength, stability, balance and flexibility to sustain it. Back pain could be contributing to this issue. It might not seem like an obvious connection, but tell your podiatrist if you are unable to stand on your tiptoes.

Are you experiencing pain in your feet and ankles that might stem from back pain? Here at Feet First Foot Care Specialists, Dr. Adam Mucinskas can help answer any questions you might have about your feet and ankle health. We feature innovative treatments and state-of-the-art technologies at our conveniently located office in the Cromwell, Connecticut area. Please give us a call today to schedule an appointment at (860) 632-5499.

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162 West St Ste K Cromwell, CT 06416