It’s that time of the year. At Feet First Foot Care Specialists, we know our Middlesex County patients will be pausing this week to count their blessings.

We want to be sure to include your feet on that list! Here are a few reminders about how incredible your feet are:

  • Feet enable the average person to walk three to five miles every day. In fact, throughout a typical lifetime, a person will walk approximately 115,000 miles or the equivalent of circling the globe four times.
  • Your feet carry the weight of your entire body. When you run, they absorb the pressure of four times your body weight. In fact, in just a single day of walking and performing daily tasks, feet withstand several tons of pressure equal to the amount of a fully loaded cement truck.
  • Feet are sensitive—they contain more nerve endings per square centimeter than any other part of your body.
  • Your feet can warn you about problems going on in other parts of your body. Several disorders may first manifest in your feet, including arthritis, heart disease, kidney failure, hypertension, and diabetes.

Show Your Gratitude

So, how can you express your thanks to these two wonderful parts of your body? Here are a few ideas:

  • Feast in moderation—enjoy your favorite holiday foods in smaller portions and keep up with your exercise regimen. Your feet will appreciate not having additional pounds to carry.
  • Make smart shoe choices—you’ll be on your feet more than ever during the holiday season. Choose footwear that is supportive and fits properly. Look for styles with gripping treads for shopping and errand days to reduce slips, spills, and ankle sprains.
  • Listen to your feet—if they tell you they are hurting, put them up for a while and take a break. If that doesn’t do the trick, make an appointment at our Cromwell office by calling 860-632-5499. Let our podiatrist, Dr. Adam Mucinskas examine your feet and treat any foot problems before they become disabling.

We wish all of our patients and their families a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Questions or Comments?

We encourage you to contact us whenever you have an interest or concern about our services.

Call Today (860) 632-5499

162 West St Ste K Cromwell, CT 06416