The flyers are out, and the sales are on—it’s time for Middlesex county’s biggest shopping day of the year! But, at Feet First Foot Care Specialists, we’re wondering—are your feet ready? That marathon day of shopping may be very helpful for crossing items off your holiday gift list, but at what cost to your feet? There are ways, however, to protect your feet and take full advantage of Black Friday bargainsfoot doctor, podiatrist, Adam Mucinskas, DPM, Feet First Foot Care Specialists, LLC, Cromwell, CT, Black Friday footcare

Choose your shoes wisely

The most important way you can decrease the risk of foot pain or injury is wearing the correct shoes. Black Friday is not a day to be concerned with fashion! You’ll want a pair of shoes that is supportive and comfortable—most likely sneakers, athletic shoes or your best walking shoes. Cushioned insoles and a thick sole with good tread will increase comfort and decrease the risk of slips and ankle-twisting injuries. If our podiatrist Dr. Adam Mucinskas has prescribed a custom orthotic device, be sure to wear it on shopping day. If you have a toe deformity such as a bunion or hammertoe, cover any corns or calluses with a protective pad.

In the bag

Stash some moleskin in your purse. Sometimes even comfy shoes can still rub and cause a blister if worn for long hours. Apply a piece of moleskin to any spot on your foot that starts to feel irritated and you’ll be able to stop a blister and keep on shopping. It’s a good idea to bring an extra pair of socks as well. If you notice your feet are perspiring, change your socks. Fungal infections thrive in damp, dark places like sweaty socks in closed shoes. If possible, choose socks that wick moisture away from your skin.

Take a break

Try to stop periodically throughout the day and put your feet up if possible. Drink plenty of water which can help prevent swelling of your feet. If your feet hurt, stop. The bargains you’d get on Black Friday won’t make up for foot pain that lasts the whole holiday season.

If you notice that walking is causing you foot or ankle discomfort, contact our Cromwell office for an appointment by calling (860) 632-5499.

Questions or Comments?

We encourage you to contact us whenever you have an interest or concern about our services.

Call Today (860) 632-5499

162 West St Ste K Cromwell, CT 06416