At Feet First Foot Care Specialists, the health of your feet is our number one priority. One way we encourage our patients to keep their feet healthy is by contacting our Cromwell office as soon as they experience pain or other unusual foot symptoms. This way, our podiatrist Dr. Adam Mucinskas can examine your feet and determine if there is a foot disorder present. However, there are many ways you can be good to your feet when they’re not hurting so that they can continue to enable you to live the active life you love.

  • Get your feet professionally measured. Did you know that some studies show that 90% of people are wearing shoes that are too small for their feet? Cramped toe boxes can increase the risk and severity of bunions and hammertoes.
  • Don’t wear flat shoes. For proper alignment and biomechanical functioning, your arches need support. When feet are flat, it causes heel pain and can lead to plantar fasciitis.
  • Wash your feet every day. This simple act can help prevent many foot infections.
  • Keep an extra pair of socks in your bag. Fungi love moist, warm, dark places. When your feet sit in damp socks, you are creating the perfect environment for fungal infections to thrive.
  • Don’t go barefoot. Keeping your feet covered will lower your risk for athlete’s foot, fungal toenails and warts—all of which are spread by direct contact.
  • Don’t file your toenails with rounded edges. This encourages the nail to grow downward and can lead to painful ingrown toenails.
  • Exercise regularly. This has several benefits for your feet. First, it keeps them flexible and helps maintain range of motion. Regular exercise also reduces the risk and the severity of arthritic conditions. In addition, it helps prevent heart disease and high blood pressure which can cause harm to your feet.
  • Skip the second helpings. A lower weight means less strain on your feet and ankles.

If you have health concerns about your feet or questions about being proactive about their health, contact us at (860) 632-5499.

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We encourage you to contact us whenever you have an interest or concern about our services.

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162 West St Ste K Cromwell, CT 06416