Coinciding with Valentine's Day, February is reserved as American Heart Month. Heart disease occurs when the arteries leading to the heart become clogged. Although heart disease has been around for thousands of years, we do know that many aspects of modern life exacerbate risk factors and make people more prone to heart disease and heart failure. Today, one in four deaths in the U.S. is attributable to heart disease. Heart disease can affect everyone, but taking stock of your prior health risks, activities and diet can help you reduce your risk. 0086983001678205563.jpg

Be The Beat and Actively Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease

American Heart Month motivates us to examine our own health habits and risks and take steps to improve our heart health. Below, our team of specialists shares 3 ways in which you and your loved ones can celebrate love, health and wellness in observance of American Heart Month.

  1. Educate Yourself.

Learn about the risk factors for heart disease, the ways you can prevent them, and the lifestyle choices that can help you stay healthy. Reliable resources that we use and love are articles from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. As well as articles from the American Heart Association.

  1. Take Up Heart-Healthy Habits. 

Staying active, eating healthy, and watching our weight are all important parts of maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system. Again, one of our favorite resources for heart-healthy habits are articles from the American Heart Association. On their website, you can find fitness routines, wellness regimes, and even heart-healthy recipes!

  1. Get Your Cholesterol Levels Checked. 

If you’re worried you might be at risk for heart disease, ask your doctor to perform a simple cholesterol test to let you know if you’re at risk. Do not hesitate to ask your provider for advice on if you should make adjustments to your diet, and how to implement those changes.

 Visit our website to conveniently request an appointment with our board-certified podiatrist Dr. Adam Mucinskas. Or call (860)-632-5499 to schedule an appointment.

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