Something that many people might not realize is that the health of our heart can reflect in the health of our feet. Our team of specialists are sharing important facts about heart disease, including the connection between our heart and feet, and signs and symptoms of heart disease that can show up in the lower extremities. 0257291001678206108.jpg

Distance From the Heart

Your feet and heart may have more in common than you think. Despite the distance from the heart, your lower extremities are one of the first places you may notice signs or symptoms of a developing heart condition. If the heart’s pumping is restrained from an underlying condition such as Peripheral Artery Disease, the blood flow that would normally be getting to your lower extremities, is restricted, leading to increased pain and even in some circumstances swelling. If your lower extremities are not receiving the proper oxygen needed from the blood, serious health conditions can arise.

Signs and Symptoms 

Some symptoms relating to the legs and feet that could be a sign of heart disease are:

  • Diminished Circulation
  • Slow Healing Wounds
  • Burning or Swelling in The Feet
  • Skin Color Changes

Although the above symptoms could be an indication of heart disease, having other foot and ankle problems that cause immobility can further exacerbate symptoms.

Keep Your Heart Healthy

Here are helpful tips for keeping your heart healthy every day of the year–

Eat A Heart-Healthy Diet. Include whole grains, fresh fruit, and vegetables into every meal! Explore new recipes, spices and herbs and let your heart be full.

The American Heart Association Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations

Exercise Regularly. You should aim to get in at least 30 minutes a day of exercise. Walking for exercise is the number one way to keep your heart and your feet healthy, and can be a simple, stress-less routine!

Visit Your Podiatrist Regularly. A podiatrist can help detect more serious medical problems such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. A podiatrist can also help give you and your loved ones advice on lifestyle and diet changes to keep your heart and feet healthy!

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, or you are suffering from any foot conditions that are affecting your mobility, do not hesitate to call our Cromwell, Connecticut office at (860)-632-5499 to schedule a comprehensive examination with our podiatrist Dr. Adam Mucinskas.

Questions or Comments?

We encourage you to contact us whenever you have an interest or concern about our services.

Call Today (860) 632-5499

162 West St Ste K Cromwell, CT 06416