We’re well into our second month now of self-isolating and staying home as much as possible, and at Feet First Foot Care Specialists, we know that it’s putting quite a bit of stress on our Middlesex County patients. One strategy that is helping many families cope with this challenging time is maintaining a consistent and regular schedule.

Here’s why:

  1. Routine Brings Comfort and Security—For children and adults alike, having a familiar routine and schedule is good for emotional health. Creating a structure to the day—getting up at a certain time, eating regular meals, taking care of personal hygiene, and doing chores and work—allows some sense of control in a situation that seems to be largely out of our hands. Try to incorporate as many elements as possible that you were doing before the virus. For example, if you typically would meet your kids at the bus stop in the afternoon, have a 3:00 p.m. time out and go for a walk around the neighborhood. Keep bedtimes and evening rituals the same, as well as any other touchpoints your family is used to.

  2. Helps Everyone be More Productive—In many households, one or more people are trying to work from home, and children are attempting to stay on track with their schoolwork. When there’s no schedule, it’s easy for hours to pass and nothing to get accomplished. Set specific times for work and lessons and also for breaks for physical activity and fun. Put Zoom meetings on a calendar or whiteboard so family members all know when quiet is needed. Once the rhythm of the day is firmly established it will be easier for everyone to get their work done.

  3. Paves the Way for a Smooth Transition Back—Yes, we will get the virus under control and eventually go back to school, work, and some more normal way of life! It will prove much more difficult to get people back on track and able to get out of the house on time if everyone has been operating without a schedule and routine.

It’s definitely a balancing act. It’s necessary to allow for downtime for everyone to de-stress but it’s beneficial to maintain as much of a schedule as possible. As always, we are here for you and your family. If you are experiencing any foot or ankle issues, don’t hesitate to contact our Cromwell office by calling (860) 632-5499 so that our podiatrist, Dr. Adam Mucinskas, can evaluate your condition and determine the best course of action. Stay well!

Questions or Comments?

We encourage you to contact us whenever you have an interest or concern about our services.

Call Today (860) 632-5499

162 West St Ste K Cromwell, CT 06416