Your mother had bunions, your grandmother had bunions, and now you detect one developing. At Feet First Foot Care Specialists, we often find that our Middlesex County patients believe there is not much that can be done and accept bunions and don’t seek treatment. This is far from true, however, and one major area where simple changes can make a big difference is in your footwear. 

A Common Cause

While bunions themselves are not hereditary, biomechanical defects in the structure of the foot can be passed from generation to generation. The leading cause of bunion formation, however, is wearing improper footwear. Shoes that have narrow, pointy toes and are too tight encourage the big toe to move out of place and start to drift toward the second toe. The same goes for high-heeled styles that force the foot forward, exerting extra pressure on the toes. Although both men and women can get bunions, women get those far more often, and shoe choice has a lot to do with it. Other causes of bunions include:

  • Injuries
  • Flat feet or pronated feet
  • Neuromuscular problems

Choose Better Shoes

If you already have a bunion, you probably are experiencing the discomfort that comes from the friction and rubbing of the enlargement at the base of your toe against your shoes. Walking can become quite painful and challenging as the bunion grows, and the skin becomes increasingly tender. Over time, corns and calluses may form, and arthritis or bursitis may also set in. You can help alleviate pain and slow the progression of a bunion by choosing shoes that have a low heel and a roomy, wide toe box. Soft, flexible material will also increase comfort.

Regardless of the size of your bunion, it’s important to contact our Cromwell office for an appointment by calling: (860) 632-5499. Our podiatrist, Dr. Adam Mucinskas, will evaluate your bunion and recommend other treatment options as well to help re-align your toe properly and reduce discomfort caused by bunions.

Questions or Comments?

We encourage you to contact us whenever you have an interest or concern about our services.

Call Today (860) 632-5499

162 West St Ste K Cromwell, CT 06416