March—in like a lion, but here at Feet First Foot Care Specialists, our Middlesex County patients are beginning to see glimpses of the “lamb” with warmer weather and temperatures climbing into the 50’s. Like animals coming out of hibernation, nicer days are an incentive to get outside and start moving. Below are some tips for becoming more active in a way that’s safest for your feet.

Check Your Footwear

Spring is a great time to examine your fitness footwear. Sneakers or shoes that show obvious signs of wear— stretched-out heels, worn down soles, rips—should be replaced. But even if your shoes look fine, the internal components deteriorate, and fitness shoes have a life span, typically of 300-500 miles. If you’re buying new shoes, get your feet professionally measured, as your size can change over time.

Get Your Mosey On

If you’ve spent the better part of the winter on the couch watching Netflix, you’ll want to start slowly and gradually build up your strength and stamina. Walking is a great re-entry exercise you can do at your own pace. Start with 20-30 minutes 4 or 5 days a week and then increase speed and distance over a few weeks. Doing too much too soon can result in overuse injuries like Achilles tendonitis and stress fractures. The standard for most adults is to strive for a minimum of 150 active minutes a week. Be sure to stretch before and after your workout.

Don’t Ignore Foot Pain

If you notice an increase in activity brings pain or discomfort anywhere in your foot and ankle, don’t just chalk it up to the “no pain, no gain” theory of exercise. Consistent pain is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong. It’s best to consult our podiatrist, Dr. Adam Mucinskas, sooner rather than later to determine the source of your discomfort and get it treated promptly to avoid having to put your fitness plans on hold. Contact our Cromwell office for an appointment today by calling 860-632-5499.

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We encourage you to contact us whenever you have an interest or concern about our services.

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162 West St Ste K Cromwell, CT 06416