If you’ve found yourself considering why or why not to see a podiatrist lately, this is the blog for you! While many people may not need to see a podiatrist until they’ve reached their 40s or later, you would still be surprised at how many people under 40 desperately need to see a podiatrist but will never pencil themselves in. The common alternative for most people is to bring up minor issues with their primary care doctor, if at all. While your primary care doctor is trained to help you maintain your overall health, they don’t specialize in the medical care of your feet and ankles. Who does? Our podiatrist at Feet First Foot Care Specialists!

Podiatrists, who are lovingly referred to as foot doctors, are doctors who specialize in the medical care and maintenance of our feet and ankles. Podiatrists, like your primary care doctor, went through the same eight years of schooling to become doctors. The difference, however, is that podiatrists then go on to study even longer in order to specialize in our feet and ankles.

After four years of additional study and experiences pertaining specifically to podiatry, a doctor can then become a podiatrist. Only after passing both national and state examinations to get licensed to practice in a state of their choosing can a podiatrist then take the care of your feet and ankles into their hands. In most cases, if you approach your regular doctor about foot issues, they will suggest either one of two things:

  1. Simple steps you can take at home to potentially help relieve your specific set of symptoms, or…
  2. If and when those do-it-yourself methods aren’t helping, they will refer you to a specialist, i.e., a podiatrist!

Skip the waiting and uncertainty when it comes to finding out what’s wrong with your feet or ankles - call us today at (860) 632-5499 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Adam Mucinskas in Cromwell, Connecticut.

Questions or Comments?

We encourage you to contact us whenever you have an interest or concern about our services.

Call Today (860) 632-5499

162 West St Ste K Cromwell, CT 06416