Happy March! Spring is right around the corner, the clocks are going to give us more daylight, and we are in full spring to welcome National Nutrition Month! While it is easy to think only about food choices this month, the creators of this awareness month also want to highlight the importance of physical activity. Movement matters, too. Whether you are already choosing healthy food and lifestyle habits or need a little help, we’re here to provide support.

Dr. Adam Mucinskas at Feet First Foot Care Specialists treats patients with diabetes, and he knows the importance of making sure food choices don’t have negative consequences. He also treats patients who manage foot and ankle conditions that may hold them back from their favorite activities. A podiatrist specializes in treating these conditions, from ankle sprains to painful bunions. 0880916001680286246.jpg

Here are three ways to celebrate National Nutrition Month:

Get the whole family involved

If you’re trying to figure out healthy meals or creative ways to increase physical activity, start a poll! Ask your family about their favorite activity. Did you know dancing counts, too? From a trip to an indoor swimming pool to a family race around the track, tackle healthy choices together. Why begin a new adventure alone?

Try a new healthy food

Who doesn’t love a challenge? Check out dragon fruit with your family. Try a new vegetable or cook it differently. Explore creative ways to incorporate fruits and veggies into a smoothie or oatmeal. Push yourself to pursue tasty, new, and healthy food. You can do it!

Watch your steps

Movement is so important! You don’t have to have a fancy tool to track your steps every day. There are ways to feel productive and get your steps on Monday through Sunday. Choose the stairs instead of the elevator. Park your car a little further away from your favorite store.

During National Nutrition Month, we hope our tips encourage you to lead a healthier lifestyle. At Feet First Foot Care Specialists, Dr. Adam Mucinskas, a board-certified podiatrist treats various conditions such as heel pain, diabetic wounds, bunions, nerve pain, and more. We provide exceptional service for patients in Cromwell, Connecticut. Contact our office at (860) 632-5499 to schedule an appointment on our website.

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We encourage you to contact us whenever you have an interest or concern about our services.

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162 West St Ste K Cromwell, CT 06416