Although pregnancy is a happy time, at Feet First Foot Care Specialists we know that your feet may not be rejoicing! They will have to carry a lot more weight than normal as your pregnancy progresses and this can lead to foot and ankle problems you don’t normally experience. Fortunately, most foot discomfort can be avoided or at least significantly reduced by following some simple suggestions.

Checkup on Podiatric Conditions

Start by making an appointment at our Cromwell office so that our podiatrist Dr. Adam Mucinskas can examine your feet and ankles and check on any chronic podiatric issues you may have such as bunions, flat feet or plantar fasciitis—all of which can be exacerbated by pregnancy. The foot doctor will monitor your condition during pregnancy and can suggest helpful ways to relieve discomfort and prevent existing conditions from worsening.

Buy Some New Shoes

Your footwear choices during pregnancy may need to be adjusted. As your abdomen grows, your center of gravity will change. Low, wide heels will provide the best stability. Don’t go with flats, however, as the excess weight will also put pressure on the arches of your feet, requiring more support to avoid arch and heel pain. In the last trimester of your pregnancy you may begin to notice that your shoes feel tight. This can be the result of hormones which your body releases to relax ligaments in preparation for birth. These hormones can cause your feet to spread, necessitating bigger or wider shoes. For some women, an increase of about half a size in shoes may be permanent.

Put Your Feet Up

You may find especially in the later phases of your pregnancy that your feet hurt more. Elevating feet periodically throughout the day and at the end of the day can help them feel better. Putting your feet up can also help reduce swelling of the feet and ankles—another common symptom of pregnancy.

If you are experiencing discomfort or unusual foot or ankle problems while pregnant, don’t hesitate to contact us by calling: (860) 632-5499.

Questions or Comments?

We encourage you to contact us whenever you have an interest or concern about our services.

Call Today (860) 632-5499

162 West St Ste K Cromwell, CT 06416