Thanksgiving is just a few days away, and while the day can bring fun things, like time with friends and family enjoying a delicious feast, it can also be accompanied by foot pain if you don’t take some small precautions to help prevent it. Today, Dr. Mucinskas at Feet First Foot Care Specialists discusses how Thanksgiving can be difficult on your feet and 4 ways to avoid foot pain.

1. Traveling: This can be hard on your feet, especially if riding in a vehicle or sitting on a plane for several hours. If driving, try to leave 10-15 minutes early so you can take a moment to stop and stretch your legs at a rest area or gas station. If flying cross-country, get up and move around when allowed to boost the circulation in your feet and prevent clotting issues.

2. Cooking: Odds are you’ll be cooking or cleaning at some point this holiday. Cooking a feast involves a lot of prep work inside and outside the kitchen. Wear comfy shoes when grocery shopping, and try to put your feet up sometime between prepping and cooking. If there are things you can do sitting down, pull up a chair to relieve stress off your feet. If you have to stand, begin tasks early so you can take a break when needed to rest your feet.

3. Extracurricular Activities: Wear supportive and comfortable shoes if you'll be shopping on Black Friday. Running a turkey trot? Pack your running shoes. Playing in a post-meal football game, grab cleats or shoes that are appropriate for the surface you’ll be on. Know what activities you’ll be participating in ahead of time to ensure that your feet are always in the right shoes.

4. Eating: While eating isn’t hard on your feet in the customary sense, it can cause other problems. For instance, a Thanksgiving feast that is high in sugar and carbohydrates can cause a gout flareup in your feet, especially if you wash it down with alcohol. Drink plenty of water and eat a balanced meal throughout the day, keeping in mind that poor eating habits can lead to weight gain, which will put more stress on your feet.

Keep these tips in mind, and give your feet some thanks this Thanksgiving. If you experience issues, contact Dr. Mucinskas at Feet First Foot Care Specialists to schedule an appointment. Call our office at 860-632-5499 or click here to schedule your appointment online.

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